Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Science Time

I have this science book and L.O.V.E. it!!!

James is really into chemistry right now. And this book does a really good job in breaking down the Periodic Table. There are fun poems that help the boys remember what things do.

There are experiments for each element group and most of them I have everything I need {ie: no extra trips to the store}

All of the science experiments are done on a basic level, but there are suggestion if you want to amp it up for a science fair project.

There is a lot of humor in the book and so on days that we don't do experiments the boys still like it when I read it to them.

You can find this book at Amazon for about $11.00.

If you are wanting something for basic Chemistry this is it. It's a great intro to a subject that can seem boring on the top but is really quite exciting when you throw in some experiments that make the elements make sense.

{all opinions are my own. I actually bought this book and use it and love it. I have not received any compensation for my review of this book}

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