Thursday, January 26, 2012

I think I failed....

You know hind sight is always.... ok mostly 20/20.  And as I look back over the past two and a half years there was so many things I wish I would have done. There were things that I wish people would have told me....

I was a lot harder on James that I should have been. I thought I knew what I was doing, and here I was pushing him harder than he was ready. James is smart and he was in kindergarten too, and he was just curious about everything. I think we did some fun things.... I remember we did the story of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff... and that was fun. But I just didn't get it.

I was trying to hard to prove to everyone that I had "normal" kids with a "normal" school day. I wanted to prove to my family and friends that my boys were getting everything that they needed.

I pushed to hard.

I expected to much.

He was only 5.

Schooling should be fun. It should be go-with-the-flow. It should be learning at it's best.

I am still learning and things are much better. There are some things that we do at our desks but most of the things that we do are sitting on the couch together. Rotating boys that are sitting on my lap.

If there is any advice I can give is to focus on your family. Keep your blinders on when the negativity comes, and remember why you are doing this.

Kindergarten is a fun age, an age where paint is required every day. Where mess is almost always on the menu. And where happy kids are outside and looking at mud and bugs and leaves. Don't stress about kindergarten, keep it fun and upbeat.

I now have a 2nd grader, 1st grader, a kindergartner.... and one who is in the grade of "getting into everything". I know that I will continue to learn with the boys, we will have our highs... and our lows. And as we come upon those stumbling blocks we will try to go around... or over... but if we hit them we will learn from it.

For all those that are new to homeschooling.... ENJOY IT!!!! Don't stress to much. If you have a Kindergartner or a 9th grader... enjoy the journey of homeschooling.


JRoberts said...

This is something we struggle with each year. How do we ballance a year of curriculum and fun. This has been our most productive year by far, but it has also been the most fun. Each year that goes by I think we learn a little more about what works for our family. Little like raising kids isn't it?! :)

My boys are now in Grade 7, 5 and 1 and we learn how to school each year!

HH365 said...

Well said. I think that is every homeschoolers rookie mistake. The first year we spend a lot of time trying to prove to others and ourselves that we can do it... I know I have let up a lot. This is now my 3rd year homeschooling, I have learned so much. I learn more every day. IT has been a joy. I truly love it. I would not trade it for anything in the world.

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