Monday, November 2, 2009

Science with Pumpkins

Since we had the pumpkins anyway I thought it would be a good idea to do some science projects with them. this was a lot of fun. I filled up a plastic tote outside. {yes it was warm enouh to use water outside.... and better a mess in the backyard than a lake in the bathroom}
And then we made our predictions.... James thought it would sink, Tommy though it would float and Tim... well he was just excited for the water.

The results....

they float!

James tried to make it sink, but to no avale.

Then we cut them open and cut them open to scoop them out {the longest job during carving, I though we would get it taken care of early} Once again we made predictions about what would be inside. James thought goop, Tommy said it would be empty, and Tim wanted to eat it.

The results....
It was full and there was goop, and seeds!

We talked about how pumpkins are a kind of squash, and how they are the same as other squashes,and how they are different. {we just looked at pictures, but next year I'll buy some other squashes and open them up so we can look and touch them}

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